Why Choose Meadowlark Waveplates?
Industry-Leading Metrology –
Our proprietary measurement techniques provide you with extremely accurate calibration measurements for every waveplate/retarder we ship.
High Quality and Precision –
When selecting a waveplate, key performance features must be considered; examples of these include wavelength dependence, temperature sensitivity, acceptance angle, response time and aperture size. Our waveplate selection chart provides an at-a-glance view of our standard retarders; as always, Meadowlark solutions engineers are happy to assist you in the process of selecting a retarder that works best for your application.
Custom Solutions –
Space flight retarders, superachromatic retarders from 500 to 1200 nm, retarders attached to beamsplitter cubes, retarder coatings applied to lenses and mirrors, variable retarders with switching speeds in picoseconds, ferroelectric liquid crystal retarders switching at low voltages from 50 to 100 microseconds, and more.